The Truth about Autogynephilia
Sexual tastes you do not share are inevitably hard to comprehend. But autogynephilia is especially so, since it is rare and even more rarely spoken of.
It is true that a woman may feel aroused when contemplating her body or clothing—for example when putting on lacy underwear or a low-cut dress. Autogynephiles’ fantasies are of a different nature. The way they symbolise themselves as women in their imaginations has a “fetishistic flavour” that is “qualitatively different from any superficially similar ideation in natal females,” Blanchard writes. For example, they report arousal at the simple act of putting on everyday women’s clothes. Natal women do not find getting dressed for work an orgasmic experience.
Тут типа о различии аутогинефильного возбуждения и женского возбуждения по Бланчарду.