Копаюсь с витамином К2
What Does K2 Do?
•1. Activates proteins responsible for calcium and phosphorous deposition in bones and teeth
•2. Directs childhood and infant growth by preventing premature calcification of cartilage and bones
•3. Plays an important role in reproduction. Sperm has high levels of osteocalcin, dependent on K2
•4. Activates proteins that cells are signaled to produce by Vitamins A and D (This is where osteocalcin and bone growth comes in)
•5. Protects mouth, teeth and gums in saliva
•6. Protects against calcification and inflammation of blood vessels and the accumulation of plaque
•7. Helps make myelin sheath of nerve cells, improving learning
•8. Essential for proper facial development with full arch and less crowded teeth.
•9. Dramatic insulin effect through osteocalcin activation
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