Вот, еще раз выкладываю теорию происхождения парафилий Блэнчарда\Кантора
Pedophilia and homosexuality tend to occur in the same
men because these individuals are generally less resistant to factors that divert psychosexual development from the species-typical outcome of sexual interest in receptive, physically mature females. This hypothesis is consistent with evidence that other sexually variant behaviors, for example, exhibitionism, are also common in pedophiles (Paitich et al., 1977; Raymond et al., 1999; Rooth, 1973). This hypothesis proposes that the clustering of sexual variations results from the absence of a single protective factor, rather than the presence of multiple pathogenic
factors, or a single pathogenic factor with multiple effects. The missing protective factor could be analogous to, or an aspect of, the biological phenomenon known as canalization—that is, the tendency for feedback loops to return a developing system to its usual pathway, when that system has been diverted to a minor extentfrom it (e.g.,Waddington, 1962). As used by biologists, this term includes mechanisms that stabilize development against disruptive environmental influences and those that buffer development against genetic-mutational loss of function (Wilkins,
1997). Of particular relevance to the present discussion is the finding that there are individual differences in efficiency of canalization, with some persons being more prone to multiple developmental disruptions than others (Bogle et al., 1994;
Cronk and Reed, 1981; Prader et al., 1963; Rose et al., 1987; Shapiro, 1975).
The hypothesis that the failure of some protective (or corrective) mechanism might account for the emergence of multiple paraphilias has previously been advanced in other contexts. For example, the clustering of fetishism, transvestism, and autogynephilia (sexual arousal in association with thoughts of having a woman’s body) has been attributed to “the failure of some developmental process that, in normal males, keeps heterosexual learning ‘on track’” (Blanchard, 1991, p. 247).
In the present case, the correlation of pedophilia and mental retardation (Blanchard et al., 1999) suggests that the hypothesized failure of canalization may sometimes
be part of a larger picture of neurological dysfunction."