• Приношу извинения, меня нет ещё день- два, авария у провайдера продолжается. Гроза это сила :) выгорел не только мой роутер, но и вероятно - порт у провайдера. Диагностика продолжается.

My messy bedroom

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Дык и даже в этом как капитан Америка говоришь типо. Предсказуемый.
Я бываю прям и туп, и предсказуем. Что правда, то правда :)
Поэтому они и были хорошим тандемом в рамках сюжета. Они же дико разные и срабатывали друг для друга как противовесы. А Старк нравится мне тем, что, даже забери у него всё, он даже в сарае из подручных материалов соберёт какую-нибудь офигенную вещь.
Кстати фигню вы там наговорил что типаж Старка не подходит для семейной жизни.
Это не я наговорил, смею заметить! Это вот они *показываю пальцем" :) Я не стал тогда спорить.
No, Juju got us wrong I guess:)
I think Doc wants to make us straightest of the straight:)
We try to understand human's sexuality.
Btw being straight is not so shocking and scary, is it?:)
i see thanks. no its certainly not scary.
What do you think about our sexologist? He claims that he can change sexual orientation. What should I do with him for such claim? Should I punish him? :) Personally I don't care about sexual orientation very much, I am trans (MtF, pretransition, so I use old male name), but I have interest in sexual peculiarities of trans women, they are lewd, especisally our Ira. Ira is the most lewdest person I have ever met.
well i havent talked to your sexologiest. still find any trials to change sexuality weird and unnecessary. to my mind its like trying to change your eye color or change the size of the bones
well i havent talked to your sexologiest. still find any trials to change sexuality weird and unnecessary. to my mind its like trying to change your eye color or change the size of the bones
yeah, it is true, but some orgamisms have good biological fitness, and other organisms have poor biological fitness. Diversity is ok, but sometimes it is better to increase biological fitness of pоpulation. For example malnutrution during childhood disrupts brain development and person with such brain can be dropped out from school, so he will live in povetry and social isolation. We can say that it is natural variation like the size of bones, but in fact such varaiton decrease fitness of the organism, so it is better to provide good nutrution for babies for their brain development. A lot of sexual peculiarities , paraphilias dicrease biological fitness of person, also some of them can predispose person to commit sexual crimes (pedophilia). German sexologists think that it is not possible to change sexual preference structure, but I think that endeavour to do it is ok. It can be difficult, but it is worth to try. Also if some gays want to increase their reproductive fitness then medical and psychological resources should be available for such purpose.
Последнее редактирование:
yeah, it is true, but some orgamisms have good biological fitness, and other organisms have poor biological fitness. Diversity is ok, but sometimes it is better to increase biological fitness of population. For example malnutrution during childhood disrupts brain development and person with such brain can be dropped out from school, so he will live in povetry and social isolation. We can say that it is natural variation like the size of bones, but in fact such varaiton decrease fitness of the organism, so it is better to provide good nutrution for babies for their brain development. A lot of sexual peculiriarities, paraphilias dicrease biological fitness of person, also some of them can predispose a person to commit sexual crimes (pedophilia). German sexologists think that it is not possible to change sexual preference structure, but I think that endeavor to do it is ok. It can be difficult, but it is worth to try. Also if some gays want to increas their reproductive fitness then medical and psychological resources should be aviable for such for them for such purpose.
oh wow. sounds a bit complicated to me. yeah, pedophilia is something different from being gay, so. i dont see how my homosexuality decreases my biological&reproductive fitness. i still can be a father if i want to. i find it cool that you read german philosophers tho. seems like here nobody reads them anymore.
oh wow. sounds a bit complicated to me. yeah, pedophilia is something different from being gay, so. i dont see how my homosexuality decreases my biological&reproductive fitness. i still can be a father if i want to. i find it cool that you read german philosophers tho. seems like here nobody reads them anymore.
There is empirical data that homosexual males have less reproductive success than heterosexual males, but it is not the case for lesbians. James Cantor (university Toronto) said that male homosexuality can be a paraphilia, but not female homosexuality. He is himself gay, so there is no оffence here, just science. Is Homosexuality a Paraphilia? The Evidence For and Against
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В связи с решением Верховного суда Российской Федерации (далее РФ) от 30 ноября 2023 года), движение ЛГБТ* признано экстремистским и запрещена его деятельность на территории РФ. Данное решение суда подлежит немедленному исполнению, исходя из чего на форуме будут приняты следующие меры - аббривеатура ЛГБТ* должна и будет применяться только со звездочкой (она означает иноагента или связанное с экстремизмом движение, которое запрещено в РФ), все ради того чтобы посетители и пользователи этого форума могли ознакомиться с данным запретом. Символика, картинки и атрибутика что связана с ныне запрещенным движением ЛГБТ* запрещены на этом форуме - исходя из решения Верховного суда, о котором было написано ранее - этот пункт внесен как экстренное дополнение к правилам форума части 4 параграфа 12 в настоящее время.
