Neuroscientific Bulletin

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This is a critical thing. I thought for a lot of time to begin a relationsgip. What does stop me? That if I cannot appreciate girls (and if we assume homosexuality cannot change) I cannot begin a relationship. So i understand that if I go with a sexual worker (even if it scares mea) I can say if I like it at least a bit or not...
So I MUST have courage and try, fears are stopping me... and I do not know why... I feel anxious like an exam...
If I go to sexual worker I ll try to be less scary

I really do not want to let become this topic MY topic...sorry
So, since kirill told us that rats based their sexual partners from previous one sexual rewards, is this the same for us humans?
What is a way used for a "pure" homosexual for beginning to appreciate girls? (assumimg the homosexual is not traumatized and he does not want to go to a psychoterapist because is fine).
People can told me that is wrong but "ehy, it is not wrong, it is better to have more possibilities than only one 😛"

I think someone can freely try this things.
So, since kirill told us that rats based their sexual partners from previous one sexual rewards, is this the same for us humans?
Yes, but we must be careful. Main problem in understanding fluidity (or lack of fluidity) of sexuality is that we don’t know where in the brain structure controlling sexual preference is located. Is it preoptic area of hypothalamus, or is it nucleus accumbens, or maybe other brain areas? There is also a possibility that network distributed among whole brain control sexual preference. And no one exactly knows what physical changes happen in the brain (or elsewhere in the organism) when sexual preference changes (assuming that it is sometimes happens). I advise you to read Norman Doidge’s and Michael Merzenich’s books about neuroplasticity, they may make point about neuroplasticity more clear for you. I know guy from Netherlands who after reading this kind of books became more courageous in changing his sexuality. He was exclusive sexual masochist and could turn on only when girls emotionally abuse him making insults about his tiny penis (although in real life his penis is normal). It's a long road from femdom to pimpetry...

Also it is very interesting story of guy who had very unusual fetish. Fully Recovered

But these stories are complicated by porn consumption, that is they are not the case of “ideal” paraphilia. But where can we find stories of overcoming paraphilias without any comorbidities?

Also in this forum you could talk with people overcoming there paraphilias.
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Interesting but this is about paraphilias and not a sexual orientation. In truth I do not know why modern psichology assumes homosexuality is not wrong but pedopholias yes and SO pedophilias can be resolved (???)
I dont think morally accettable implies it can be resolved 😀
This is why I do not trust psichology very much...
Interesting but this is about paraphilias and not a sexual orientation. In truth I do not know why modern psichology assumes homosexuality is not wrong but pedopholias yes and SO pedophilias can be resolved (???)
I dont think morally accettable implies it can be resolved 😀
This is why I do not trust psichology very much...
My approach to paraphilia and orientation is not a bit standard. I depart from political correctness 🙂 That is, I consider heterosexuality, homosexuality, and various paraphilias as a spectrum. A combination of different colors, giving a certain hue. And the reasons for this mixture of colors - in the form of a mosaic, a set of various biological, social and psychological factors.

And Italian.

Il mio approccio alla parafilie e l'orientamento non è uno standard po '. Parto dal politicamente corretto 🙂 che è, ritengo, e l'eterosessualità e l'omosessualità, e vari parafilie - lo spettro. combinazione di colori diversi, dando un colore specifico. e le ragioni di questo colore di miscelazione - sotto forma di un mosaico, un insieme di diversi fattori biologici, sociali e psicologici.
I am sure, there are many other psychologists like you, but I think they are hidden because it seems reparative therapy (and they are illegal)
I am sure, there are many other psychologists like you, but I think they are hidden because it seems reparative therapy (and they are illegal)
I will clarify.
First - I'm not a psychologist 🙂
I am a doctor-sexologist, that is, a specialist who deals with the peculiarities of sexual attraction.
Not only that, I have other specialties, it's good and bad 🙂
Second - in Russia it is a little easier with this question. I use the term "work with gay", "work with parafilikom" instead of the word "treatment".
For a long time already, for many years - I have worked out such a way to circumvent possible prohibitions and persecutions, troubles.
When I work with a pedophile or gay, for example - I just do not write in the documentation of the truth, the actual data.
It's not perfect - but it allows you to work and help people who want it.
Real data I usually write in the case of children. A boy-gay or transsexual - is perceived in the hospital less painful than an adult gay. And with the children - there is a joint work, with other doctors, usually. Therefore, records in the documentation are needed.
In the case of adults, this is not necessary, and I work for the result, not for the documentation.
And this is more difficult to forbid 🙂


Io chiarire.
In primo luogo - Io non sono uno psicologo 🙂
I - il medico-sessuologo, cioè specialista, detiene una speciale attrazione sessuale.
Non solo, ho anche altre specialità, è bene e il male 🙂
Il secondo - in Russia un po 'più facile con questo problema. Uso il termine "lavorare con gay", "lavorare con parafilikom" al posto della parola "trattamento".
È stato a lungo, per molti anni - ho sviluppato un modo per bypassare la possibile divieti e le persecuzioni guai.
Quando lavoro con gay o pedofilo, per esempio - io non scrivo la verità nei dati della documentazione deytsvitelno.
Non è perfetto - ma permette raboat e aiutare le persone che lo vogliono.
Dati reali Io di solito scrivere nel caso dei bambini. Boy-gay o transessuali - è percepito in ospedale meno doloroso di un gay per adulti. E con i bambini - c'è un lavoro congiunto con altri medici, di solito. Pertanto, le voci nella documentazione necessaria.
Nel caso degli adulti - non è necessariamente, e io lavoro per il risultato, ma non per la documentazione.
Ed è difficile vietare 🙂
A ok, even in Russia there would be trouble.
Even if in Russia homosexuality is not generally seen right (from what I know)...
Can you tell us why in these last decades society is forbidding people like you?
A ok, even in Russia there would be trouble.
Even if in Russia homosexuality is not generally seen right (from what I know)...
Can you tell us why in these last decades society is forbidding people like you?
Good afternoon!
I did not understand a little, explain, please.
About the "ban", forbidding - you mean the ban to work with gays? He is not, I officially work in this specialty in Russia.
People - homosexuals, pedophiles - ask me, and I draw up their medical documentation without specifying these words. This is done for anonymity.
It's more convenient 🙂
And with children - I work without anonymity, according to ICD-10, along with colleagues - psychiatrists and psychologists.
The ban is to work - no.
I shared with you ... practical details about the intricacies of working in Russia, in the conditions of undesirability of entering into the medical documentation personal information about sexual preferences.

Or did you mean homophobia?
She is devoted to a big topic in the Russian-language section of this forum. One of the members of the forum - it is very painful, it perceives and regularly discusses, with examples of homophobia.

Buona giornata!
Sono un po 'non capisco, si prega di spiegare.
A proposito del "divieto", la persecuzione - si intende il divieto di lavorare con gli uomini gay? Non è, sto ufficialmente lavorando in questo settore in Russia.
La gente - gli omosessuali, pedofili - mi chiedono, e mi fanno il loro dokumentaziyu medica senza queste parole. Questo viene fatto in anonimato.
Il modo preferito 🙂
E i bambini - che funzionano senza l'anonimato, secondo ICD-10, insieme ai suoi colleghi - psichiatri e psicologi.
Divieto di lavorare - n.
Ho condiviso con voi ... dettaglio pratico circa la complessità di lavorare in Russia, sotto l'indesiderabilità di entrare nelle cartelle cliniche di informazioni personali sulle preferenze sessuali.

O volevi dire - l'omofobia?
Lei ha dedicato un grande argomento nella sezione in lingua russa di questo forum. Uno dei membri del forum - è molto doloroso e prende discute regolarmente, con esempi di omofobia.


В связи с решением Верховного суда Российской Федерации (далее РФ) от 30 ноября 2023 года), движение ЛГБТ* признано экстремистским и запрещена его деятельность на территории РФ. Данное решение суда подлежит немедленному исполнению, исходя из чего на форуме будут приняты следующие меры - аббривеатура ЛГБТ* должна и будет применяться только со звездочкой (она означает иноагента или связанное с экстремизмом движение, которое запрещено в РФ), все ради того чтобы посетители и пользователи этого форума могли ознакомиться с данным запретом. Символика, картинки и атрибутика что связана с ныне запрещенным движением ЛГБТ* запрещены на этом форуме - исходя из решения Верховного суда, о котором было написано ранее - этот пункт внесен как экстренное дополнение к правилам форума части 4 параграфа 12 в настоящее время.
