Neuroscientific Bulletin

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Of coure I meant gay or homoflexible (as I think to be)
Good afternoon!
Today in the Russian-language topic at Cyril we again studied this question.
One of the members of the forum still has homosexual thoughts and desires. The abbreviation, the short name of this - " ГС" = "gs", "g\homosexual" he often uses ..
But - he does not consider himself gay, although even now he fantasizes about naked guys, or masturbation with guys.
He really has regularities - when and after what he has, such tendencies increase. In his personal theme, you can see the different sides of this person.

I had patients, "false homosexuals". When a young person has a thought "what if I'm gay?" And she becomes obsessive.
Such a person (very often) tries to "try" sex with a girl (without love, without desire!), And it turns out badly. He is convinced that he is gay, homosexual, and goes to a gay club where he gradually finds his place in life ..
And then, already when I seek help from a specialist doctor, he tells me that in his childhood he had other thoughts and desires, but all was named after some event. Sometimes - this event occurs and in enough adult age.
This, by the way, answers Kirill's question about neuroplasticity ..
I think there are two types of imprinting. First type of imprinting determines distant characteristics of possible partners (sex, age, body frame) and maybe sexual scripts with them. And another type determines characteristics of subjects who could never be a sexual partner (“antiimprinting”). Most people don’t consider children, animals, and old people as their potential sexual partners. But in some case due to very strict parenting even normative subjects (young mature females and males) could never be considered as sexual objects.
- it is words Krill's.
IMHO, In my opinion it is not so. Between the period of imprinting and the development of erotic attraction - it takes a lot of time. Adults for him taboo , for obvious reasons. That is, he develops an attraction to peers, to children. And where does it disappear later? 🙂 In my opinion - often the attraction is formed gradually, and is a non-sexual mechanism. Well, or you can refer to this mechanism of sexual, according to grandpa Freud 🙂 I think the mechanism of desire bodily contact is not sexual. He is present in infants, which is a nice touch mom and dad, it is present from their parents, which make the massage to your child. This is nice! So the teenager wants to experience it nice again and again, but with the inclusion of sexual receptors and feelings.
My conjecture was based on Pfaus papers. You could read review of his work here Who, What, Where, When (and Maybe Even Why)? How the Experience of Sexual Reward Connects Sexual Desire, Preference, and Performance (PDF Download Available)

It is well established that mammals has few critical periods of development of sexuality. First critical period occur in the womb (sexual differentiation of the brain), second is based on the interaction with mother (if male goats is raised by sheep then they will try to mount female sheep), third is based on the interaction with juvenile peers, and last is based on sexual conditioning. Sexual conditioning is a formation of associations between partner cues and sexual reward.
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Good afternoon!
Today in the Russian-language topic at Cyril we again studied this question.
One of the members of the forum still has homosexual thoughts and desires. The abbreviation, the short name of this - " ГС" = "gs", "g\homosexual" he often uses ..
But - he does not consider himself gay, although even now he fantasizes about naked guys, or masturbation with guys.
He really has regularities - when and after what he has, such tendencies increase. In his personal theme, you can see the different sides of this person.

I had patients, "false homosexuals". When a young person has a thought "what if I'm gay?" And she becomes obsessive.
Such a person (very often) tries to "try" sex with a girl (without love, without desire!), And it turns out badly. He is convinced that he is gay, homosexual, and goes to a gay club where he gradually finds his place in life ..
And then, already when I seek help from a specialist doctor, he tells me that in his childhood he had other thoughts and desires, but all was named after some event. Sometimes - this event occurs and in enough adult age.
This, by the way, answers Kirill's question about neuroplasticity ..
I did not notice since I was 20 that I prefer men than women, after have kissed a girl and dont appreciate this. I FELT so many anxious that I cannot ontinue with her.However for a couple of years I thought that I don t like girls in every way. After one of my friends (girl) started gradually to be more affetionate with me (hug, take my hand) I sometimes felt something "under my pants" and I began to question myself. I tried for one years in every way to experiment witha girl but I cannot do it. This year I tried (and I am trying) again but I cannot start anything with a woman... some days ago I went to the hospital for anxious after have met a girl (even if she is a friend, although a possible girlfriend or flirt)..
So... in summary... I can hug and cuddle girl, be excited (but I apprecuate more men) but I cannot know if I like having sex or kissing them. I define myself homoflexible but I know a lot of gay would define me egodistonic homosexual... I dont know why I am so scared to try with a girl (I am quite sure this is not because I wll have the answer "homosexual" because I think I would appreciate it)...
But I must try and i think I will try with a prostitute, it is less" anxiousing"
Kirill also thought about prostitute🙂
I don't understand what you want to get?
A Girl for a work. Less anxiousing, less anything.
I must try if I like something with girls. I like something with them but no one has helped me to clarify if I am homosexual bisexual or biromantic. Even my homosexual friend cannot answer me.
I hope I wrote correctly (I am italian, not english)
I must try if I like something with girls.
I think it is not very productive approach. First problem is phrasing of the sentence. Word "must" means very compelling circumstance like order in the military. No one has obligations to have sex. Second problem with this approach is artificiality. Relationship with sex worker can't be a full replacement of relationship with real girlfriend which is very complex with many aspects and usually sex is only one aspect of relationship. People with homosexuality and paraphilias need to develop all skills needed in relationship, not only sexual. Moreover, sexual skills are not the most critical in relationship, IMHO. I think first of all you need to work on your anxieties and fears of girls.
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В связи с решением Верховного суда Российской Федерации (далее РФ) от 30 ноября 2023 года), движение ЛГБТ* признано экстремистским и запрещена его деятельность на территории РФ. Данное решение суда подлежит немедленному исполнению, исходя из чего на форуме будут приняты следующие меры - аббривеатура ЛГБТ* должна и будет применяться только со звездочкой (она означает иноагента или связанное с экстремизмом движение, которое запрещено в РФ), все ради того чтобы посетители и пользователи этого форума могли ознакомиться с данным запретом. Символика, картинки и атрибутика что связана с ныне запрещенным движением ЛГБТ* запрещены на этом форуме - исходя из решения Верховного суда, о котором было написано ранее - этот пункт внесен как экстренное дополнение к правилам форума части 4 параграфа 12 в настоящее время.
