How to increase heterosexual component?

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It seems that this drug can modify sexual attraction. But how much this last?
Why did increase same sex attraction if he is heterosexual?
I propose to suggest that in the life of this Mr. Jambart for two years there was much more events, and not just taking the drug.

Propongo di suggerire che nella vita di questo signor Jambart per due anni ci sono stati molti più eventi, e non solo prendendo il farmaco.
I propose to suggest that in the life of this Mr. Jambart for two years there was much more events, and not just taking the drug.

Propongo di suggerire che nella vita di questo signor Jambart per due anni ci sono stati molti più eventi, e non solo prendendo il farmaco.
Of course! Drugs can't change sexual preference, but they can facilitate sexual conditioning and psychotherapy. In this case drug induced state of hypersexuality, and we know that hypersexuality is optimal state for changing sexual preference, that why hypersexual people especially teenagers have very unstable sexual orientation.

Another possible tool which can facilitate sexual reconditioning is deep brain stimulation. I read article that suggested deep brain stimulation for pedophilia treatment.
Последнее редактирование:
from a scientific and experimental point of view to demonstrate possibility of changing sex preferences.
Yes, the main question for gays, pedophiles and other people - is it possible in principle to change the sexual orientation, in special even conditions, or is it _principally impossible. the hypothesis of impossibility comes from the assumption that there are no structures in the adult brain to perceive an unaccustomed sexual object. imprinting occurred in childhood, or even "from birth" there are no specific nerve structures. if there are changes in attraction, sexuality, and in adults - the main question is solved positively.

Sì, la domanda principale per i gay, i pedofili e altre persone - è possibile in linea di principio cambiare l'orientamento sessuale, in condizioni particolari uguali, o è praticamente impossibile. l'ipotesi di impossibilità deriva dall'ipotesi che non esistano strutture nel cervello adulto per percepire un oggetto sessuale non abituato. l'imprinting si è verificato nell'infanzia, o anche "dalla nascita" non ci sono strutture specifiche del nervo. se ci sono cambiamenti nell'attrazione, nella sessualità e negli adulti - la questione principale viene risolta positivamente.

да, основной вопрос для геев*, педофилов и других людей - возможно ли в принципе изменить сексуальную ориентацию, в особых даже условиях, или же это _принципиально_ невозможно.
гипотеза о невозможности исходит из предположения об отсутствии структур в головном мозге взрослого человека для восприятия непривычного сексуального обьекта.
импритинг произошел в детстве, или же вообще "от рождения" нет определенных нервных структур.
если же происходят изменения влечения, сексуальности, и у взрослых людей - основной вопрос решается положительно.
Имхо 🙂
It is in the life of loving father, husband, respected member of his community could be more events?!?!
Are you joking, Doc?!?



Husbands are different 🙂 like his wife, of course. perhaps, for example, wife's mother came to visit ... and the man, the husband, lives now at work 🙂

but the life of a loving caring father just includes a lot of interesting and .. not-boring😉

i mariti sono diversi 🙂 come sua moglie, naturalmente. forse, ad esempio, la madre di mia moglie è venuta a visitare ... e l'uomo, il marito, vive attualmente sul lavoro 🙂 ma la vita di un padre amorevole amante include solo un sacco di interessanti e .. non-noioso😉
or even "from birth" there are no specific nerve structures.
Even if it be true (for me it sounds plausible) opportunity to recruit other neuronal structures for heterosexual performance can exist. We could draw parallel between paraphilia and dyslexia. Yes it is possible that child can be born with impairment of neuronal structures for reading, but it is possible using special exercises to recruit other neuronal structures for reading.
Of course! Drugs can't change sexual preference, but they can facilitate sexual conditioning and psychotherapy. In this case drug induced state of hypersexuality, and we know that hypersexuality is optimal state for changing sexual preference, that why hypersexual people especially teenagers have very unstable sexual orientation.

Another possible tool which can facilitate sexual reconditioning is deep brain stimulation. I read article that suggested deep brain stimulation for pedophilia treatment.
I agree. I apply, if necessary, drugs for "liberating", "removing the shackles" and nervous tension in my patients. But often it turns out to open and strengthen the attraction to the opposite sex and age of peers without these drugs. In practice - so.

Sono d'accordo. Io applico, se necessario, farmaci per "liberare", "rimuovere i grilli" e la tensione nervosa nei miei pazienti. ma spesso si scopre di aprire e rafforzare l'attrazione verso il sesso opposto e l'età dei pari senza questi farmaci. in pratica - così.
Even if it be true (for me it sounds plausible) opportunity to recruit other neuronal structures for heterosexual performance can exist. We could draw parallel between paraphilia and dyslexia. Yes it is possible that child can be born with impairment of neuronal structures for reading, but it is possible using special exercises to recruit other neuronal structures for reading.
I agree. We can use special exercises to develop weakened brain structures. In addition, we can find out whether such a child had a prohibition on reading, studying, on certain topics of study. and there was a prohibition, in the past, in childhood - it is necessary to neutralize it, to remove such a ban to study the brain structures proper!

Sono d'accordo. Possiamo usare esercizi speciali per sviluppare le strutture cerebrali indebolite. Inoltre, possiamo scoprire se un tale bambino ha avuto un divieto di leggere, studiare, su alcuni argomenti di studio. ed è stato un divieto, in passato, nell'infanzia - è necessario neutralizzarlo, per eliminare un divieto per studiare le strutture del cervello propriamente!

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В связи с решением Верховного суда Российской Федерации (далее РФ) от 30 ноября 2023 года), движение ЛГБТ* признано экстремистским и запрещена его деятельность на территории РФ. Данное решение суда подлежит немедленному исполнению, исходя из чего на форуме будут приняты следующие меры - аббривеатура ЛГБТ* должна и будет применяться только со звездочкой (она означает иноагента или связанное с экстремизмом движение, которое запрещено в РФ), все ради того чтобы посетители и пользователи этого форума могли ознакомиться с данным запретом. Символика, картинки и атрибутика что связана с ныне запрещенным движением ЛГБТ* запрещены на этом форуме - исходя из решения Верховного суда, о котором было написано ранее - этот пункт внесен как экстренное дополнение к правилам форума части 4 параграфа 12 в настоящее время.
